Ethiopia Unite
Selam, Get your shai bay dabo and let us chat. Peace to all humanity on the planet earth. If we are a human family, first, I need to get some things off my chest,off my mind, and off my heart. Human to human. If you follow Ethiopia, you know what is happening. If you do not follow, all you need to do is a simple google news search and use filters to organize by date and read the latest developments on what is taking place in the East African Nation. Why this is of importance to me? I am Ethiopian by DNA, divine right, claim and my two Ethiopian parents. I was born and raised in the United States of America. Ethiopians are all over the planet and many still love, care, and pray for Ethiopia despite not being there. My heart is broken for what is happening in Ethiopia. The political, economic and religious chaos following a two year war where Ethiopians killed other Ethiopians and an estimated one million people have been displaced and or killed a...